Uses: Ultra Quality Lawns, Tennis Courts, Golf Tees, Golf Fairways, Outfields, Summer Sports, New Cricket Tables up to County standard.
Sowing rate: 35g/m2 to 50 g/m2.
Mowing Height: Down to 8mm
Overseeding: Use JS3 at 25g/m2.
Specification: 30% ESQUIRE perennial ryegrass
25% FANCY Perennial ryegrass
30% CALLIOPE Chewings fescue
15% SAMANTA Slender creeping red fescue.
JS18 Superlawn Grass Seed – This versatile, top quality grass seed mixture can be used just about anywhere, from golf greens to back yards. The best choice for the perfect lawn, this best-selling seed mix is for sale here online. It produces a durable hardwearing lawn with good disease resistance, happy to be mowed down to 8mm. The great properties of Superlawn grass seed mix are down to the inclusion of two dense, fine-leaved perennial rye grasses – FANCY and ESQUIRE. Density is added to the mix via two red fescues.
For more information or to buy in bulk please call 01531 825 299 or email
Minimum Order 2kg
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