Flowers to chose from include: Aster, Candytuft, Five Spot, African Daisy, Baby’s Breath, Love in a Mist, Californian Poppy, Marigold, Cosmos, Chives, Golden Tickseed, Godetia, Tidy Tips, Zinnia, Flax, Iceland Poppy, Mexican Hat, Alyssum and Soapworts to name a few! As well as the UK Native Flowers: Lady’s Bedstraw, Meadow Buttercup Meadow Cranes Bill, Mallow Musk, Meadowsweet, OXeye Daisy, Ragged Robin, Red Campion, Wild red clover, Yarrow, Yellow Rattle, Ribwort Plantain, Salad Burnet, Selfheal, St John’s Wort, Vetch, White Champion, Wild Carrot, Wild Majoram, Bird’s Foot Trefoil, Cat’s Ear, Common Kanpweed, Common Sorrel, Cowslip, Field Scabious, Autumn Hawkbit, Wild Foxglove, Cornflower, Poppies. All wildflower mixes benefit the environment and the wider ecosystem. The grasses and flowers in this mix are beneficial to a vast variety of wildlife. Specifically they will attract various butterflies, Bumble bees and other bee species, various insects, various moths and more wild birds are some of the species you can expect to see.
For more information or to buy in bulk please call 01531 825 299 or email
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