Sowing Rate: 50g/m2
Specification: 50% EVORA Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass 30% BORNEO Tall fescue 20% FANCY PRG.
A combination of grass species known for their high drought tolerance. Smooth stalked meadow grass(SSMG), also known as Kentucky blue grass is a very deep rooted grass. Meaning its roots have a higher capability of locating water during dry periods. SSMG is utilised throughout America and other warm climates. Well adapted to free draining, light or sandy soils as the deep roots can draw nutrients up from the depths. SSMG is also included as it is a fine grass giving a very pleasing aesthetic.
Combined with Tall fescues this fine lawn has a high drought tolerance. Like SSMG the tall fescue also has a deep root system, some of the deepest roots in the grass world. JS10 super drought will maintain its colour throughout the summer, even when it is extremely dry as the tall fescues in particular retains its colour. The FANCY PRG is a fast establishing grass. Acting as a nurse crop for the other grass species. The SSMG and Tall fescues take longer to germinate, so the PRG nurse crops provides them with a good base so that they can establish over time.
For more information or to buy in bulk please call 01531 825 299 or email
Minimum Order 2kg
Linda White-Hunt –
I have a large property of which the south-facing boundary beyond the high surrounding hedge comprises a 5-metre wide strip of grass verge abutting a public road. In the summer this is exposed to day-long heat as well as dust, grit and fumes from passing traffic; taking a huge toll on this lawn, which is the ‘public face’ of my house. I treated this area with JS10 Super Drought grass seed mixed with compost and sand and have been rewarded with a verdant lawn, looking as if I had laid down fresh turf. I am very pleased with the result as I had almost given up on trying to maintain a lawn in this area.