Cultivar Profiles
Top Rated Varieties for Superior Performance
Lolium perenne
Approx 750,000 seeds/kg
Fast establishment
Very High Wear Tolerance
Fast re-growth of tillers and leaves
Perennial ryegrass is the fastest establishing species of all the turf grasses. It prefers milder climates but tolerates low temperatures. In temperate climates perennial ryegrass is a true perennial with a high persistence. It can be utilised on most soil types, with the exception of very wet land. Late heading varieties tend to be better under low input utilisation due to less stem formation in mid summer. Some of our new varieties like Sirtaky and Cassiopeia have exceptional density and very fine leaves.
CLAUDINE Highly rated on the STRI list for both lawns and sports pitches. Excellent Rust tolerance. Produces a very dense, fine leafed turf. Slow regrowth habit so requires less mowing. High shade tolerance. Mid – dark green colour. | DENSITY ***** | WEAR **** | SHADE TOLERANCE **** | FINE LEAF **** | COLOUR *** |
DICKENS Rapid establishment, slow regrowth (less mowing). Very fine, needle like leaf combined with high shoot density. Rated on the STRI list for both lawns and sports pitches. A very high quality product that is visually appealing. | DENSITY ***** | WEAR **** | SHADE TOLERANCE **** | FINE LEAF ***** | COLOUR ***** |
VERTECH A middle of the field PRG. Good disease resistance and all year colour. Quick to establish, slower growth rate so less mowing. Fine leafed with a good wear tolerance. | DENSITY *** | WEAR **** | SHADE TOLERANCE ** | FINE LEAF **** | COLOUR **** |
ESQUIRE Dark green in colour with good disease resistance. High tolerance to winter damage. Fast to establish. Combines good wear tolerance and density. | DENSITY *** | WEAR *** | SHADE TOLERANCE *** | FINE LEAF *** | COLOUR **** |
FANCY Quick to establish with a good frost resistance. Can tolerate low cutting as has a shorter growth rate. Good all year round colour with a high density. Good wear tolerance. | DENSITY **** | WEAR *** | CLOSE MOW ***** | FINE LEAF *** | COLOUR **** |
EUROCORDUS Has outstanding shoot density, the finest leaves recently seen in a perennial ryegrass variety combined with being extremely hard wearing. Top 5 rating on the STRI list for both lawns and sports pitches. Produces a visually appealing, high quality turf. Suppresses weeds. Regenerates well with high durability. | DENSITY ***** | WEAR ***** | SHADE TOLERANVE *** | FINE LEAF ***** | COLOUR *** |

Poa pratensis
Approx. 3,500,000 seeds/kg
Persistent High Wear tolerance
Good recovery
Found in nature on both mineral and humus-rich soils in both northern and southern hemispheres. Fine-leaved varieties with excellent turf qualities have been selected. Poa pratensis isa persistent specie with strong rhizomes and erect leafy shoots. Growth starts early in the spring and re-growth consists mainly of leafy material that is mown very easily and gives a clean cut. Poa pratensis tolerates hard wear and because of it’s rhizomes, can regenerate itself even if the sward is very badly damaged. The heat tolerance of Poa pratensis is good.
MIRACLE Low growing, dense and wear resistant with dark green leaves. It is very disease resistant and has proved to be extremely adaptable to various climates. Persistence is second to none. Blends very well with other grass species. | DENSITY *** | WEAR *** | CLOSE MOW *** | FINE LEAF ** | COLOUR **** |
Festuca rubra
Persistent High Stress tolerance
Good drought resistance
Red fescue is a fine-leafed perennial grass. Strong-creeping varieties have more vigorous spreading rhizomes and typically form open patches, rather than dense tufts. Red fescue can be found in most grass mixes ranging from lawns and pastures to sea-cliffs. It will grow in most soils apart from water logged or highly acidic. It is a relatively slow growing and stress tolerant grass; preferring free draining, low fertility, neutral to calcareous soils. When established red fescue is a very long-lived grass able to withstand drought and nutrient shortages. Tolerant of frequent close mowing and grazing responding by producing a fine turf. Strong creeping red fescue is not as fine as Slender creeping red fescue. Fresh growth of red fescue is quite palatable to livestock, with a longer growing season, making it ideal for pastures. Red fescue can also be a useful structural component, providing a strong base for a mown or grazed sward.
MAXIMA A very high stress tolerance with good disease resistance. It is one of the most flexible varieties from ornamental turf to landscaping. With a medium green colour is gives a very visually appealing finish. | DENSITY ** | STRESS TOLERANCE ***** | SHADE TOLERANCE ***** | FINE LEAF *** | COLOUR *** |
Festuca rubra litoralis
High Salt tolerance
Good drought resistance
Red fescue is a fine-leafed perennial grass. Slender CRF has a high shoot density and a fine needle like leaf and tolerate low and frequent mowing. It is good for regenerating worn areas. Slender CRF has a moderately high salt tolerance making it well suited to roadsides, parks and any other areas where salt is used as a de-icer. It has a creeping growth habit with short rhizomes. The ligules of slender CRF are typically short and blunt. A reasonably hardy grass, it will grow in all soils, preferring neutral or acidic meaning it will grow almost anywhere in the UK. Slender CRF also has a high drought and shade tolerance, making it a true all rounder.
SAMANTA A very high drought tolerance with good disease resistance. Can tolerate low mowing. With good colour and a high shoot density. A good all round grass that can be used in many situations. | DENSITY **** | DROUGHT TOLERANCE ***** | SHADE TOLERANCE ***** | FINE LEAF *** | COLOUR *** |
Festuca ovina
High Stress tolerance
High drought tolerance
Sheeps fescue is a densely tufted grass, with fine bluish grey leaves. Fast to establish and found through the UK. Sheeps fescue are very stress and drought tolerant, being able to withstand some of the toughest conditions including coastal areas and cooler climates. They can be found in poor and shallow soils that are usually well drained. With a lower Nitrogen requirement they are suited to poorer areas. It is very quick top recover and has an extremely high wear tolerance; making it a useful species to include in grazing and sports mixtures. Sheeps fescue can also germinate at cooler temperatures, therefore the planting season isn’t as restricted and it can be planted in harsher conditions.
BORNITO A very high drought and stress tolerant grass. Slow growing so requires less mowing. Fast to establish and quick to recover. Suitable for poor, shallow soils. | DENSITY **** | DROUGHT TOLERANCE ***** | WEAR ***** | FINE LEAF *** | RECOVERY ***** |
Festuca trachyphylla
High Stress tolerance
High drought tolerance
Hard fescues are very similar to Sheeps fescue. Hard fescue is a highly drought tolerant fescue with a low nutrient demand. Can be used in a wide variety of mixes as it is such a diverse species. Suitable for golf courses through to roadsides. Can be mown down to as little as 5mm, alternatively if left to mature produces a very attractive head. A useful species for low maintenance areas as is low growing. Hard fescue has a high tolerance to environmental and maintenance extremes. As a result they can be planted in a wide range of soils from acidic to alkaline. This grass can even tolerate the hottest summers and the coldest winters. Hard fescue is a very dense and fine leafed plant that grows in tufts.
TIDU A very high drought and stress tolerant grass. Slow growing so requires less mowing. Fast to establish and quick to recover. Suitable for a wide range of soils. | DENSITY **** | DROUGHT TOLERANCE ***** | LOW MOW ***** | FINE LEAF **** | LOW MAINTENANCE ***** |
Festuca arundinacea
High tolerance of temperature extremes
Drought tolerance
Tall fescue grass is a perennial grass distinguished by its height and coarse leaves. It is a cool season grass that vigorously grows during the cooler Spring and Autumn months. This is due to its good resistance to extremes of heat and cold, making it tolerant of both frost and drought. Tall fescue has a moderate to good wear tolerance. Tall fescues are included in a lot of grazing mixes as they compliment a ryegrass mix and are highly palatable.
BORNEO A very high drought and temperature tolerant grass. Good disease resistance. Good wear tolerance. Quick to establish. | DENSITY *** | DROUGHT TOLERANCE ***** | WEAR **** | TEMPERATURE TOLERANCE **** | PALATABLE ***** |
Agrostis capillaris syn. tenuis
High tolerance of temperature extremes
Drought tolerance
Browntop Bent grass is a perennial grass. It is a cool season grass that vigorously grows during the cooler Spring and Autumn months. Found mainly in amenity situations such as golf courses or ornamental lawns. With fine leaves and a high shoot density it produces a soft even turf with an attractive dark green colour. Browntop Bent is a slow growing grass, therefore widely used in wildflower mixes as it doesn’t out compete the flowers. Also works well in amenity mixes as it adds strength and colour. Can be mown down to 5mm and tolerates poorer soils.
HIGHLAND A slow growing grass, less mowing required. Dark green colour with fine leaves and a high shoot density that can be mown down to 5mm. | DENSITY ***** | COLOUR ***** | WEAR *** | FINE LEAFED **** | LOW MOW ***** |
Poa trivialis
Good shade tolerance
Fast establishment
Rough stalked meadow grass (RSMG) is a fast establishing erect growth perennial grass. It has good shade tolerance therefore thriving in areas of low light. A fine and dense leafed plant with an erect growth habit. Has a rich dark green colour. Good frost tolerance so adds winter hardiness to mixes its included in. Thrives in heavy and damp soils. Included in grazing mixes to add height and shade tolerance.
| DENSITY ***** | COLOUR ***** | WEAR *** | FINE LEAFED **** | FAST ESTABLISHMENT **** |
Festuca rubra sus
Good disease tolerance
Visually appealing
Chewings fescue are a species of red fescue. They differ from slender CRF and strong as they lack rhizomes and have a bunch- type growth habit. Growing in tufts with a high shoot density chewings fescue add colour to any mix. It has a good all year round colour and can tolerate being closely mown and always has a strong visual appeal. Again chewings fescue is a cool season grass, vigorously growing in the cooler spring and autumn months. Chewing fescues has roots that bunch together, as a result they can help to resist weeds. It also has good disease resistance. Good shade tolerance can tolerate acidic and sandy soils, but prefers well drained soils to thrive. Very low maintenance as requires little water and nutrients therefore making it ideal for roadsides.
CALLIOPE Top rated for its tolerance of low mowing. Highest density, even when closely mown. Proven to keep rich dark green colour all year. Requires little water. Good and safe red thread resistance.
| DENSITY ***** | COLOUR ***** | WEAR *** | FINE LEAFED **** | DISEASE RESISTANCE **** |
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